(Globular Wine (PC-109))
- Region: Likely Shiraz, Persia
- Estimated Date of Production: early to mid 1600s
- Dimensions: 266 mm in height, 196 mm in circumference
- Weight: 885 grams
- Colour: Light blue aqua
- Technique:
Blowpipe pontilled, freeblown, v-tooled and polished lip. Stringing around base of neck with seal and two lines of Farsi script.
- Description:
Bulbous wine of a very dense and pure glass quality, one of only two known sealed examples of this style of bottle. I have had five translations of the seal, all similar but different. All translators agree that the writing is the name of a person. The script on the seal appears to translate to (from right to left in order)
- Built By: عمل”Kholamhosein” (First Name) غلامحسن “Adham” (Last Name) ادهم عمل غلامحسن ادهم
- Provenance: Purchased November 2012, formerly in the Fairbourne collection
- Condition:
- Literature: n/a
- Related Works outside of this collection:
None yet